
"When I see an adult on a bicycle, I do not despair for the future of the human race."
~~ H.G. Wells

Monday, March 15, 2010

Good news today!

I just got some great news and figured I should share it.  Little Kristin Hoenshell, my Pedal Partner on last year's PMC, got a clean bill of health on her MRIs last week.    It's been a year since Kristin's last chemo at Dana-Farber and she's doing great.

Kristin will be 3 years old soon, thanks to the folks at Dana-Farber -- and thanks to all the people whose donations support the good work at Dana-Farber.

Oh! and more good news:  after about 5 days, the rain here in MA has *finally* stopped.  It looks like I'll be able to get out on the bike tomorrow!  :-)


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