
"When I see an adult on a bicycle, I do not despair for the future of the human race."
~~ H.G. Wells

Friday, July 31, 2015

Pack it up. Pack it in. Let me begin...

It's Friday of PMC weekend, 2015.  You would think that after doing this for 12 years now, that I'd be getting sort of... I dunno..  used to this whole thing.

Did I forget anything???

It's pretty much the same ride every year, so I don't sweat the logistical details of getting on the road with my bike; that's actually pretty easy. But still there's this sense of unease and excitement that starts building the Monday before the PMC weekend.  It's a little hard to explain.. it's this weird edginess I feel when I find myself obsessively watching the weather reports... checking my bike frame for cracks... doing last-minute repairs... and wondering if my friends, co-workers and family are going to be willing to sponsor me for another year...   I'll be honest: it makes it pretty damn hard to focus at work. I finally started taking the Friday of PMC weekend as vacation day, dedicated to wrapping up all those last-minute things.

But then, things just start to happen:  the donations start coming in, bike is looking good, weather looks good...
I'm gonna make a last-minute ride to Belmont Wheelworks to pick up my rebuilt wheel and have lunch with Sandy and my good friend Scott "Renaissance Man" Chamberlain.  [ I do so want to be like Scott when I grow up.  ;-) ]

All systems are go.  Donations are starting to come in and it's going to be a kick-ass weekend.

So at the risk of jinxing the weekend, at this point I really only have about 2 things left to do:
1) show up and
2) ride.

And although I started this post off with a line from a rap song, I think maybe I should really finish this with a line from a lesser-known Cheap Trick song: "Everything works it you let it."

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