
"When I see an adult on a bicycle, I do not despair for the future of the human race."
~~ H.G. Wells

Sunday, May 15, 2011

PMC 2011 Passenger Profile: Wehlan McPherson, my dad.

I started this "passenger" thing a few years ago for a couple of reasons: 
  • it allows me a sort of symbolic way to share that special weekend in August with people who can't be there.
  • it helps me stay focused on the fact that even though it's a 2-day bike ride, it's really not about a bike ride at all.  And finally, 
  • it gives you (yes, I am talking to you) an opportunity to share your story, too.  
That said, my first "official" passenger for my 2011 PMC ride this year is my dad, Wehlan McPherson.   Daddy died in January of this year.  He struggled with chronic pain from Lupus for years, and was only diagnosed with lung cancer in January after it had already metastasized to his bones.  He died soon after.

Daddy was always "prone to action" -- which may just be a nice way of saying "impulsive".  When Daddy saw something he thought needed doing,  it chafed him if it remained undone... so he would just *do it* -- sometimes with more planning than others.  Results may not have always been perfect, but in the final analysis, things got done.  

There are countless other reasons why I want to remember Daddy and take him as a passenger on this year's PMC.  However, in the interest of brevity  [you're welcome],  I believe the main reason is this: his memory reminds me how vitally important it is for each of us to actually act, as opposed to just wishing that we or someone else would.   I don't know who said it originally, but I've heard that "...the world is changed by those who show up".   Daddy reminds me to keep showing up.  So, thanks for that, Dad.  And welcome aboard.

Monday, May 9, 2011

Call for passengers for this year's PMC...

Listen up!   I'm reprising my call for "passengers" to take along on this year's PMC.    (See my original post from 2009 for background.)    If there's someone you know or love that's a cancer survivor, is currently fighting cancer or that you've lost to cancer, I'd like to help you honor them by taking their picture along with me on this year's ride.

So, please don't be shy.  Send me a picture and a word or two about your special person.   Over the next 3 months I'll be posting "passenger profiles" here on this blog and will also carry them along with me on the bike on PMC weekend as my "passengers". That way, they can enjoy the Big Ride, too.

If you like, you can see my 2010 passengers online here, and my 2009 passengers here.

Hope to hear from you soon!
