Contrary to what you might think, the PMC weekend ride is not a so much a physical challenge as it is a reward. I'm not saying that it's easy to ride a bike 192 miles -- it's not (at least not for me). But there's just no language in my lungs to articulate the depth and breadth of emotions one experiences that weekend.
Until I can get my act together enough to write up my PMC weekend trip, I wanted to share a link to a video with you all. The folks at DuVine Adventures Bike Tours were sponsors on this year's PMC and they did up a really nice video on youtube that captures a lot of the excitment of PMC weekend all the way from the Friday evening at Sturbridge, to Bourne, and up to the ferry arriving at Black Falcon Terminal in Boston on Sunday afternoon.... You can watch it here at The video is only 4 minutes long and really worth watching.
I would be remiss if I didn't address my Prime Objective for PMC before signing off: Money for a cure. The overall fund-raising goal for 2012 is $36M, and last tally had us at $24M. My personal fund-raising goal for this year is $7000 and I have yet to reach that. We only have until the end of September to close that $12M gap and meet our 2012 goal. I will be blunt: we don't need another Facebook posting "to show support for cancer research" -- what we need is money; money that will actually fund research and treatment and ease people's pain. Please show your support with your donation to the PMC Jimmy Fund here: One hundred percent of the money you donate at that link will go to cancer research and treatment at Dana-Farber. One. Hundred. Percent. I cannot over-emphasize how important funding is for cancer research and treatment, and I can't think of a more efficient way to make that happen.
I'll be writing up my PMC 2012 trip report soon. Until then, just enjoy the video and: "Commit. You'll figure it out."