The two gentlemen to her left and right, respectively are her brothers, Tim and Jason Jones. Kelly also has two children (not shown here), Zachary and Jeremy.
In June of this year Kelly was diagnosed with breast cancer (ductal carcinoma, in situ). That would be enough bad news for most. However, on her first follow-up visit to discuss treatments, Kelly was informed that -- apparently unrelated to the breast cancer -- she had an additional diagnosis of multiple myeloma, something requiring even more urgent attention.
Kelly was started on chemotherapy treatments for the multiple myeloma on July 9th. As of today, Kelly has started her second round of chemo. So far, the treatments have not been making her too sick or suffer too many side-effects, so that's one Good Thing, I suppose. If Kelly reads this, I hope she takes some strength in knowing that there are an awful lot of people out there working hard to make cancers like hers just a memory. Hang on.
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